BorderTransportationSystem ™ © Jobs, Security, Speed, & You
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Economic Zone Rentals
The BorderTransportationSystem will parallel the U.S.A. / Mexican border and thus also the southwestern deserts, many National Park Service areas, and the Rio Grande. Campers, hikers, bikers, canoe enthusiast, tubers, climbers, etc. would be thrilled to be able to get to these areas in hours not days, which they could do using the High-Speed Rail portion of the BorderTransportationSystem. Thus, instead of trying to carry all their gear with them, the gear could be rented at the various parks, rest areas, border crossings, etc.
The BorderTransportationSystem will offer 'Rental Franchises' at the various rail and highway stops, and a portion of the negotiated franchise fee will be collected for use in keeping the BorderTransportationSystem active and updated.
Index of ...
Franchising in Mexico - Mexican Franchise Association