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Tohono O'odham Native American Reservation

The U.S.A. / Mexican Border runs through the Tohono O'odham reservation and this can be a negotiation problem in that many of the natives freely travel across the border daily.  Additionally, the reservation has its police force and does police its border.  There are currently Border Patrol Agents on the reservation at certain crossing, and there is a fence over portions of the terrain.

The saving grace is that "Economic times are tough for members of the Tohono O'ogham Nation. According to the TOCA, Tohono O’odham Community Action, per capita income on the Nation is around $7,000 – the lowest of all U.S. reservations."  REF:

This poverty may entice the occupants of the reservation to want to have the BorderTransportationSystem come into their neighborhood as it can present much opportunity for income producing development, including a Casino or two that can cater to Texans and Californians.  The high-speed rail can open up farming, recreational opportunities {trips to Kitt Peak}, and such.

Index of ...

Native American National Cemetery and National Museum

Previous National Guard deployments on Arizona border

Tohono O'odham Find Common Ground with Border Patrol

Tohono O'odham leaders: Trump's wall won't rise on tribal borderland

Tohono O'odham people

Tribal Members Unwelcome at US-Mexico Border Gate



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