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Risk Assessment, paying for the Border Transportation System

The risk involved is primarily the dollars needed to fund the project. Money has to come from individuals, Congress, Mexico's government, and the corporations that would be ultimately using the system. Once built, the bonds would have to be paid back from tolls and usage fees. Technical risk are the various local governmental objections to having a project of this scope 'in our back yard' syndrome. There will be property to be purchased and several rivers and mountains that have to be dealt with so that bridges and tunnels can be properly negotiated. From a pure security standpoint, there will have to be systems of separating traffic at exits so that U.S.A. vehicles and people enter and depart on the U.S.A. side of the border, and Mexican citizen enter and depart on the Mexican side of the border. This can be accomplished by ID passes, sensors, gated ramps, and dedicated platforms.

During the initial stages of planning, we would be submitting working schedules, plans, budgets, and models to all authorities involved; this act will provide positive feedback that can be used to update, modify, and if necessary delete portions of the project. Once the approvals are accepted and contracts signed for construction, then the team will monitor the construction stages as work progresses. Evaluation of progress will include the workmanship, on/off budget progress, and meeting the schedules. Upon completion the monitoring and evaluation will be the usage and the fees collected, and seeing if the plan to open up uninhabited or semi-inhabited locations along the route are developing into a viable corridor of residential and commercial activities.

Border Security will be monitored by the sensors along the route, and with weekly reports from both nation's Border Patrol organizations. This project will be a learning experience that can use the base principle of the project, a multi-use corridor, in generating additional corridors from Alaska to the tip of South America and from the Pacific to the Atlantic, thus benefiting and tying the Americas into a unified avenue of commerce that can generate employment for tens of millions.


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