The Guide to Touring New Mexico
Kindle e-book
To the millions of travelers, settlers, engineers, construction personnel, and
entrepreneurship individuals that helped pioneer and settle our American
Southwest. They discovered the fantastic natural and man-made attributes that
have become part of one of the greatest tourist, ecological, and historical
regions in the world.
They have built the highways and byways that now allow people from all
generations, all races, all religions, and all financial groups to experience
the beauty of nature, the spirit of man, and the advancement of a civilization.
This manual provides you, the reader, with the locations and descriptions of the
hundreds of attractions available to you and your family in the state of New
Mexico. The descriptions are arranged alphabetically, but using the Amazon
Kindle Search Feature you can find attractions by town, road, zip, description,
etc., which make this manual your best travel resource for planning your great
adventure to New Mexico.
If you are living in, or moving to New Mexico this manual will become your guide
to years of in-state travel, entertainment, and learning about the history of
this great state.
Click on the book cover to go to and select this kindle e-book.